Immuno Hematology and Blood Transfusion
is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the transfusion of
blood and blood components and is a place where blood is collected from
donors, screened, typed, separated into components, stored, and issued
for transfusion to recipients. Blood is needed to save precious human
lives from accident, burns, heart surgery, organ transplants & patients
receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer & other diseases.
The Department of IHBT at SVIMS is running a full time
Blood Bank and is an expansion of pre-existing Blood Bank catering the
needs of a Tertiary Care referral teaching Hospital, SVIMS, Tirupati.
The department is also organizing teaching and research activities.
Blood Bank is open round the clock and the Whole Blood and Blood
components are issued for the needy patients at SVIMS and adjacent
hospitals such as BIRRD (T), Government Maternity Hospital and other
local Hospitals. It is a vital part of the health care system and is
associated with the rational use of blood and blood components..
According to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) strict
adherence to quality control at all phases of donor selection, donor
room procedures, screening for Transfusion Transmissible Infections on
fully automated platform i.e. enhanced Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay
and component preparation by Universal leukoreduction methods, and
serological procedures for grouping and typing of blood on fully
automated column agglutination technology method are followed. All
the donor blood samples are being subjected for antibody
screening and identification by using commercially available 3-cell
and 11-cell panels respectively.
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences
is the first Institute in the state of Andhra Pradesh to be
implementing the Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing as an added
layer of safety in reducing the residual risk of transfusion
transmissible infections for all its patients by reducing the window
period of detection of HIV HBV and HCV viruses using Roche MPX V2.0 test

The following components are available at our Blood bank:
(License No.10/CT/AP/95/BB/R)
Whole Human Blood I.P.
Packed Red Blood Cells I.P.
Fresh Frozen Plasma B.P
Platelet concentrate I.P.
Granulocyte Concentrate
Cryoprecipitate and
Aphaeresis Leading on to
Single Donor Platelets,
Plasma and
SVIMS is the first Institute in the State of Andhra Pradesh to Start
M.D. (IHBT) course.
Our aim is to provide the right blood to the right patient at the right