
Department of Nuclear Medicine deals with functional and molecular
imaging with radio nuclide therapies using radio isotopes. It was
stared with the vision of Dr. Kakarla Subba Rao, the world renowned
Radiologist and the then Chairmen of SVIMS in 1993. Initially
Department was started with 20 scans per month in 1993 and
currently performing 600 + scans and 15 therapy procedures per
month. Department has started functioning in a small area with a
Single Head Gamma Camera with One Faculty and One Technologist and
started growing year after year by leaps and bounds by expanding
with PET-CT Unit and High Dose Radionuclide Therapy facility. It has
got the operational license for all it’s services from Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board, Mumbai, Govt. of India.
Department has commenced academic activities by starting DNB
(Nuclear Medicine) course, and later B.Sc., (Nuclear Medicine
Technology) Paramedical course with admission of 2 students per
year and M.D Nuclear Medicine P.G Course with admission of 2
students initially and till 2018 4 students per year, and now 2
students per year, as per the approval from Medical Council of India.
Presently Department is functioning with a strength of 09 staff
members and 08 MD students.