YSR Aarogyasri is
the flagship scheme of all health initiatives of the state
government with a mission to provide quality healthcare to the
poor. The aim of the government is to achieve "health for all"
in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the
scheme, the state government has set up the dr. YSR Aarogyasri
Health Care Trust.
Towards achievement of universal health coverage for BPL
families whether defined in terms of financial protection or
access to and effective use of
care, Government of Andhra
Pradesh is implementing state sponsored Dr.Y.S.R Aarogyasri
Health Insurance Scheme (Dr
Aarogyasri Health Insurance Scheme). This scheme certainly
counts to be one of the pioneers in terms of achieving equity
and providing accountable and evidence-based good-quality
health-care services in the state to assist poor families from
catastrophic health expenditure. The aim of the Government is to
provide Universal Health Coverage to BPL families. The scheme is
a unique PPP model in the field of Health Insurance, tailor made
to the health needs of poor patients and provides end-to-end
cashless services for identified diseases under secondary and
tertiary care through a network of service providers from
Government and private sector.
scheme has established a demand-side mechanism that mobilizes
and channels additional public financing to health, introduced
an explicit benefits package, pioneered cashless care and
fostered public private partnerships.
scheme is designed in such a way that the benefit in the primary
care is addressed through free screening and outpatient
consultation both in the health camps and in the network
hospitals as part of scheme implementation. The IEC activity
during the health camps, screening, counselling and treatment of
common ailments in the health camps and out-patient services in
network hospitals is supplementing the government health care
system in preventive and primary care.
order to facilitate the effective implementation of the scheme,
the State Government set up the Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care
Trust, under the chairmanship of the Honorable Chief Minister.
The Trust is administered by a Chief Executive Officer who is an
IPS Officer. The trust, in consultation with the specialists in
the field of insurance and healthcare, runs the scheme.
YSR Aarogyasri Health Insurance scheme is unique in its
applicability since no other State/ government agency has
provided universal health coverage to the poor. The choice of
hospital for treatment is with the patient. The entire process
from the time of conduct of health camps to the screening,
diagnosing , treatment, follow- up and claim payment is made
transparent through online web based processing to prevent any
misuse and fraud. The scheme is complimentary to facilities
available in government hospitals and put together provides
Universal Health Coverage to BPL population including
Prevention, Primary care and In-Patient care. All the Primary
Health Centres (PHCs) which are the first contact point,
Area/District Hospitals and Network Hospitals, are provided with
Help Desks manned by AAROGYA MITHRA's to facilitate the
illiterate patients.
choice of hospital for treatment is with the patient.
entire process from the time of conduct of health camps to the
screening, diagnosing , treatment, follow- up and claim payment
is made transparent through online web based processing to
prevent any misuse and fraud.
scheme is complimentary to facilities available in government
hospitals and put together provides Universal Health Coverage to
BPL population including Prevention, Primary care and In-Patient
care with Help Desks manned by AAROGYA MITHRA's to facilitate
the illiterate patients.
SVIMS – Aarogya Mithra Desks are located in Counter No. 01,
Room No.98- followup wing, OPD Block, Room No.101, 102 , 108,
201 & 202-IP Block, Padmavathi Hospital Room No.11.
beneficiaries of the scheme are the members of Below Poverty
Line (BPL) families as enumerated and photographed in White
Ration Card linked with Aadhar card and available in Civil
Supplies Department database and EPDS [Electronic Public
Distribution System] Portal.
scheme provides financial coverage for the services to the
beneficiaries up to Rs.5 lakh per family per annum on floater
basis. There shall be no co-payment under this scheme.